Posted on 4/25/2022
High beams are great for making yourself more visible to other drivers, especially when there is low visibility. However, there are specific situations where using them is appropriate and conditions when it's not. It depends on several factors, like the time of day, the time of year, the amount of precipitation, and the presence of other vehicles. High beams are reserved for situations where it's safe and legal to use them. So, when is it appropriate to use your high beams? Here's everything you need to know. When There Is No Oncoming Traffic High beams should only be used when there's no oncoming traffic. There are a few reasons for this. First, you don't want to be blinding oncoming drivers, it is dangerous if other drivers are overwhelmed by your high beams. Second, your focus should be on driving when you're on the road. Using high beams distracts you and increases your chances of making a mistake. When You Need to See Something Best You should ... read more
Posted on 3/18/2022

Imagine you're driving at night with your headlights on, radio blasted, rolled-down windows, and phone plugged in. All of those things are being run because of the alternator. While most people think the battery is doing the work, it is the alternator that is responsible for resupplying your battery with power. What Does the Alternator Do? In other words, the alternator is in charge of keeping your car battery alive while your engine is running. It is responsible for delivering power to all your vehicle's electrical components, including your car lights, power windows, windshield wipers, dashboard, seat heaters, etc. The alternator works by transforming mechanical energy to electrical energy. As long as the drive belt pully turns, your alternator will be up and running. Signs You Need Alternator Repair Even though alternators are meant to last a long time, accidents can happen. General wear and tear, misuse, heat damage, faulty wiring can occur to put ... read more
Posted on 2/24/2022

Distracted driving is the #1 cause of terrible and deadly automotive accidents worldwide. As soon as you take your eyes off the road or take at least one hand off the wheel, you are compromising your safety. Distracted driving may be hard to resist, but it is extremely dangerous for you and others on the road. To freshen up your knowledge, here are the top things that lead to distracted driving and how to avoid it. CELL PHONE Nothing can divert your attention more than a glowing, buzzing, and alerting phone. Because cell phones are such a big distraction, most states in the US have strict laws prohibiting texting and calling while driving. Furthermore, some places even prohibit having your phone in your vicinity at all. To ensure your cell doesn't distract you, put your phone on "Do Not Disturb" and out of your sight before hitting the road. Trust us - that text or social media notification can wait. CONTROLS Besides handheld tech, you may also be the type of person t ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2022

Automobiles, if healthy, should not make any apparent noises. Whenever it does make an unusual sound, most drivers notice it right away. However, it can be challenging for the average person to figure out what is causing the noise. You can make guesses or assumptions based on what sounds like and where the noise originates from. To keep you and your loved ones safe, you should learn to pick out these sounds and get the necessary repairs to get rid of them. Below are some strange vehicle sounds you should never overlook: High Pitched Screeching Screeching, scraping, and squealing when applying pressure to the brakes are apparent signs of old brake pads. You should immediately take your car in for brake service, or else your brakes could fail. Popping Sound from Exhaust Popping noises or a generally loud exhaust system is a sign of poor performance. The loud pops are usually due to exhaust leaks, primarily from the fuel injector. However, a more resounding roar may be due ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2021

During winter, the weather becomes snowy, and icy, increasing the likelihood of accidents. So, it is crucial to stock a few essentials in your car trunk to prepare for anything the winter weather will send on your way. 8 Things You Must Include in Your Trunk Portable phone charger Keep a phone charger or battery or the power bank in your car before heading out. If the car breaks down, or you engage in an accident, this will enable you to ask for help. Foldable shovel The collapsible shovel is a perfect item to keep in your car trunk because it collapses down, taking little space when you do not need it. The shovel will help you remove snow and get your car out of a snowbank. Ice scrapers Before heading out, ensure you have a scraper in your car trunk. These items will help you remove snow and ice from your car windows, so you can increase your visibility before hitting the road. Kitty litter or sand In icy and snowy driving weather, kitty litter or a sandbag are essential item ... read more