Posted on 12/22/2021

During winter, the weather becomes snowy, and icy, increasing the likelihood of accidents. So, it is crucial to stock a few essentials in your car trunk to prepare for anything the winter weather will send on your way. 8 Things You Must Include in Your Trunk Portable phone charger Keep a phone charger or battery or the power bank in your car before heading out. If the car breaks down, or you engage in an accident, this will enable you to ask for help. Foldable shovel The collapsible shovel is a perfect item to keep in your car trunk because it collapses down, taking little space when you do not need it. The shovel will help you remove snow and get your car out of a snowbank. Ice scrapers Before heading out, ensure you have a scraper in your car trunk. These items will help you remove snow and ice from your car windows, so you can increase your visibility before hitting the road. Kitty litter or sand In icy and snowy driving weather, kitty litter or a sandbag are essential item ... read more