Posted on 10/26/2021

Most of us are tempted to throw everything in our backseats or trunk without even thinking, and before you know it, the junk starts to pile up collectively. Next thing you know, you are at the grocery store struggling to fit your grocery bags in. Though the careless habit may not be a problem at first, it can be pretty uncomfortable. An overcrowded car can also significantly lower your fuel efficiency. So please clean and out, throw out what you don't need, and organize the things that you do need. Here are some of our must-have organizational items that may help tidy up your car! Trunk Nets - Some trunks come equipped with a net or hooks to help with storing random items. If your car, SUV, or truck did not come with one of these nets, you're open to buying and installing one for your convenience. This will make sure certain items don't go sliding around your trunk when you hit those hard turns. Collapsible Bins - These flexible, fabric storage bins are easy to manage and ... read more